Friday, October 28, 2011

Wow... I'm 30

So I turned 30 recently and got to enjoy myself 3 times with cheat meals. While I didn't like what I saw on the scale after the weekend, I am content with myself again. It's important to allow yourself things you enjoy. For me, being a foodie brings me much joy. Considering I don't have a cheat day every week. I actually haven't given myself one besides my birthday for a couple of months. Here is a pic of me and my gf after going to the best brunch I've ever had! Getting slimmer again! I guess I should post a before pic from earlier in the year to see a difference. Maybe that will be later...

Right now I'm at 209.8lbs. I do look at the scale everyday, BUT I don't let it rule me. Sure, I get a bit discouraged if I don't like the number I see, but I know I am making progress overall and change doesn't occur instantly for becoming a healthier person.

My female bootcamp instructor, Julie was amazed at my loss as I haven't been to her classes in a while. It's always good to hear encouragement. I have a determination to get to a level of health I've never reached before and it will be hard to deter me at this point, but it's always good to have support on your side. I think that's why I'm liking my bootcamp classes a lot. I do feel like I compete a bit, but there is also a camaraderie from my fellow bootcampers as well as guidance from the trainers.

Oh... talking about getting to a certain level of health, I've set my long term goal to be at 165-170lbs. Essentially, as long as I don't lose muscle mass along with the fat, I should easily have a 6-pack. I actually have a body I want to emulate. I know it's a long way away (~40-45lbs), but I think I can make this by next summer or so. Anyways, I have posted a picture of the body I want. Yes, I think it's funny to even think of this as my long-term goal, but hey... if you have to dream then dream big. Btw... That's Buakaw Por Pramuk. I'm researching where his training camp for the off chance I may be able to see him while I am in Thailand. He's an inch taller than me, but I think he is a good fit for me to try and emulate... maybe one day (and probably billions of sit-ups and kicking drills) I can get a body like his.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Whoa... I lost another 15lbs since my last post!!!

So yeah. I'm sure everyone is smart enough to do the math, but after weighing myself I found myself to be 210.4lbs. I feel like I am losing weight like I am on The Biggest Loser, but I know that I am fine in how much weight I am losing. I am eating much healthier and I did use MediWeight Loss Clinics for a bit of the time. I will not give much credit to them as I don't think they've been that helpful, but I will say that I owe a lot to Tony Battle at Chicago Fitness Coach for my weight loss.

I think the reason for my success is because of my support system. Sure, I can lose the weight by myself w/o support, but I have my girlfriend who is supporting me (I've had problems with gaining weight before when I get comfortable in a relationship) and I also have a place to workout hard where I don't have to think about my workout. With bootcamp classes, I don't have to worry about what I'm going to work on like I did when I was at the gym. Also, I can't slack in class like I can when working out by myself. With my girlfriend, we push each other though I admit I do get a bit zealous with my health craze. It's good to have someone who is getting fit with me!

So with the additional weight loss comes a ton of benefits. Everything fits better for clothes! Like it or not, we're all a bit superficial and vain. I got my haircut today and it's the first time I didn't sit in the chair and look at a round face. It's only slightly round now. That means a lot to me. It brings confidence and gets the ball rolling for more progress. The compliments I get helps a lot!

My blood pressure and heart rate are totally normal now and not at all on the high side. My resting heart rate is also lower. Health wise, I feel great. While I am nowhere close to my skinniest, I do feel almost as fit as I've ever been. When I was at my skinniest, I was a cardio fiend and I don't think that was the best for me.

Right now, my goal for the end of the year is to hit 200 or less while not losing any of the muscle I've gained. That gives me 74 days to make the goal. Really, I think it'll be pretty easy to hit, but I do expect to hit a plateau soon... If I had my way I'd hit 190 with muscle gain.

So what does that mean for what I'm doing now? Well, it means more days of being strict with myself. I haven't indulged myself and have been eating healthy. Even when going out, I'll still watch myself where I'm not even close to going over my calories I burn a day. I miss my food trucks because of this sacrifice. I miss my indulgences. I miss being a foodie. Honestly, healthy cooking is a bit boring as I don't have really cook too much for variety. It's been a lot of chicken breast and egg beaters for myself with different veggies. Working out will be the same. I may add extra days if possible of workouts, but we'll see about that after I refer to my bootcamp instructor.

It's been a lot of sacrifice... but so far with the results it's been totally worth it! There are times when I think it's not, but that's temporary situations. I'm happier and healthier like this overall... I wouldn't change anything I've been doing except work harder!